This posting is for a Head Coach, Head Cheer - HIGHLAND HIGH
This position may receive a small stipend if budget allows at the end of the year.
Experience as a high school coach is preferred, but not required.
Applicants must have the following certifications/trainings complete and uploaded on prior to completing a criminal background check: coaching endorsement (PE/Coaching Degree or NFHS "Fundamentals of Coaching"); current First Aid and CPR certification; NFHS "Concussion in Sport"; NFHS "Bullying, Hazing, and Inappropriate Behaviors"; Child Sexual Abuse Prevention; and Utah Educator Professional Standards (read and E-sign). Upon appointment, SLCSD FERPA/Student Privacy trainings will also be required. Contact the school's Athletic Director if you have any questions about coaching requirements.
Must be able to pass a criminal background check prior to working with students.